4 MATH patterns of Christian cults

Brent Cunninghamblog8 Comments

dice - add subtract multiply divide

Though I wish it were, the catchy way in which these four points are put together in a mathematics theme is not original to me.  And unfortunately, I don’t know who first presented this so I’m unable to give the appropriate credit.  Nevertheless, each time I’ve taught a class on deviant Christian religions this has seemed to be a helpful way to help people remember the essentials of the Christian faith that are all too often compromised by the cults.

Christian Cults do 4 things:
1. Add to God’s Word Deuteronomy 4:2; Revelation 22:18
2. Subtract from the person of Jesus 2 Corinthians 11:3-4
3. Multiply the requirements of salvation Galatians 1:6-8; 2:16
4. Divide their followers loyalty 1 Timothy 2:5

1. Add to God’s Word:
Cults deny the divine authority of the Bible.  The devaluing of the Bible by cults happens for different reasons.  It might be said that the Bible has been corrupted and is now filled with errors and untrustworthy, or that it is incomplete without some further revelation which the cult leader alone possesses.  The usual way that cult leaders go about solving this problem is by writing their own “Part 2” of the Bible.  And so we find Joseph Smith’s The Book of Mormon, Mary Baker Eddy’s Science and Health, Charles Taze Russell’s Studies in Scripture, and Sun Myung Moon’s The Divine Principle.

2.  Subtract from the person of Jesus:
Cults deny the divine nature and status of Jesus, and in so doing, deny the triune nature of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (three co-equal persons within one divine nature).  Rather than the biblical teaching of Jesus’ eternal divinity (the God-man), the cults relegate him to the category of a mere created being (an angel or mere human). 

3. Multiply the requirements of salvation:
Cults do not hold to the biblical teaching that a person is accepted by God on the basis of God’s grace alone, through faith or trust alone.  Rather, they teach that we must somehow merit or earn our position of peace with God (salvation) through our own efforts and works–often times by proselytizing for that particular organization.

4. Divide their followers loyalty:
Cults teach that their groups or organizations are the only means of dispensing God’s salvation.  So, a person can be saved and have access God, but only by accepting Him through that particular group or through a specific religious leader in the group.  But it is clear that a person cannot have entrance into God’s presence on their own, or while associating with a different church.
A good example of an organization which clearly does all four of these theological “math errors” is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons).  This can be seen clearly without even digging very deeply.  Simply look at the LDS Church’s 13 Articles of Faith: 

Add to God’s Word?
” We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.” [# 8] Note: By “translated correctly,” the LDS write themselves a theological “blank check,” enabling the LDS Church to write-off anything in the Bible which disagrees with their ever-evolving theology and practice.  It should also be understood, that this eighth Article of Faith misuses the word “translated,” (referring the movement of content from one language to another) when they really mean “transmitted” (referring to the accuracy of the copying process within a single language).

Subtract from Jesus?
” We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.” [# 1]
Note: The Mormon Jesus is a created being and the spirit-brother of Lucifer—a different Jesus..

Multiply the Requirements of Salvation?
“We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.” [# 3] Note: The “Atonement of Christ” here is redefined to mean our “obedience” to “laws and ordinances,” rather than by God’s grace alone.

Divide Their Followers’ Loyalty?
“We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.” [# 5] Note: The qualification, “by those who are in authority” is limited to the LDS Church.

8 Comments on “4 MATH patterns of Christian cults”

  1. Brent,

    I believe another aspect of a cult is that if you try to leave that particular group, they will, for the most part, ex-communicate you.

    Another good example of a cult alive and well in our world is the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Their bible translation, the “New World Translation,” was translated by the founder of the Watchtower Society, who founded the Jehovah’s Witnesses. This individual had no knowledge of the Greek language.

    They do not believe in the trinity of God…they believe that God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are 3 separate entities to be separately worshipped. I have debated John 1 with a woman, and she talked in circles. As you know, John 1 is clearly stating that Jesus was with God in the beginning, and IS God.

    As far as multiplying the requirements of salvation, they believe they need to convert a certain amount of people into their religion so that they will get into heaven. And that only Jehovah’s Witnesses will be the 144,000 mentioned in the book of Revelation. My question to them is always, so if you continue to convert new Jehovah’s Witnesses, and only 144,000 of you are allowed in, what happens to the rest of you? (stumps them)

    The thing that gets me is that any theological question I come up with seems to stump them, and they never have a clear answer. I researched the Jehovah Witness religion when a friend of mine decided to come one; it broke my heart…she used to attend Timberline. One thing that I discovered is that they are trained to believe that anyone who challenges their warped way of believing is of Satan, even “other Christians.” And they will ex-communicate their own children for wanting to leave the religion.

    Amanda Johnson

  2. Christian Cults-oxymoron?


    Satanic Cults? Could be called Christian Cults since anything not of God is of Satan, yes?
    Anyway, they just turn everything upside down, inside out and backwards.

  3. Watchman Fellowship (listed to the right of this page under Apologetics) is an organization that helps to educate people about various cults, and minister to those who have left them. The founder of Watchman, David Henke, has recently written an interactive workbook titled “Spiritual Abuse Recovery”. I would highly reccomend this book to anyone who has experienced a high control religious group or even a legalistic church. The workbook is designed to lead the reader through a process of healing so that s/he can experience the freedom that Christ intended. I think it’s also very helpful for those of us who have friends that are currently in such groups. Much information is given on the types of methods leaders of those groups use to exert their contol. Recognizing them and understanding how you or a friend may be drawn into it is very helpful. You may request a copy by writing to David Henke at dhenke@watchman.org

  4. you are retarted. mormons belive in god and they teach more than you do in your [censored] building and have more members than you. they teach with the bible and the teachings of jesus in the americas. joseph smith found ancient plates of gold on the hill camora in palmyra newyork. If ypu did your homework and stopped trying to squeese more money out of your members you [censored], you might know something

  5. Timberline Hater,
    I’m afraid I don’t understand why your response was so angry. While I disagree with Mormon theology, I don’t demonize the one who hold to it. I love Mormon people. But this does not change the fact that what they are teaching doctrinally is different from historical Christianity. Even the current Prophet of the LDS Church, President Gordon B. Hinckley, recognizes that we’re talking about different God’s. The LDS Jesus is a created being who is the spirit-brother of Lucifer, while the Jesus of historic Christianity is the eternal one who spoke and our universe began to exist. “The teaching of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus,� as you mentioned, include the command to respond with love (compassion & gentleness) everyone—even our enemies. I assume you would recognize this command as well. Yet, I don’t see much of that in your previous response.

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